Friday, March 2, 2012

First Time

Hello?  Who is there?  What are you DOING?

Allow me to introduce myself.  I am Professor Van Shmackelpop, and I teach at the university.  My studies keep me PLENTY busy.  Right now I am exploring pre-historic ant societies.  Lucky for me, I am also a member of the Faculty of Astrophysics, and using my skills have constructed a machine for going back in time.  I digress.

The matter at hand is food.  I like it.  Food that is.  I like food.  I eat it often, sometimes thrice daily (breakfast, lunch and dinner).  Some of the professors feel they are too busy for food and eat boring sandwiches in their offices while they work. Other professors think themselves important and will only dine in the Faculty Club.  I, on the other hand, will travel all over for gastronomic delights.

Since I love food so much I decided to do something beneficial for humanity and volunteer with New York Cares for a food writing project. We will be dining with a group of youngsters from a local public school and then will be writing about our adventures.  Our first adventure is tomorrow, and we will be going on a  tour of pizza. How about THAT?

Will write soon to tell you all about it.

Truly yours,
Professor Van Shmackelpop

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